MP welcomes Arundel flood defence plans

Arundel & South Downs MP Nick Herbert has welcomed publication of plans to bolster and repair Arundel’s flood defences.


Mr Herbert joined Arundel residents at a public information event in Arundel Town Hall on Saturday morning (11 May) to see details of the new Arundel Tidal Defence scheme, which includes work to repair a collapsed river wall. 

The event was hosted by the Environment Agency which is responsible for delivering the scheme.   

Mr Herbert joined some of the residents from Arundel’s River Road who have been affected by the collapse of a section of the river wall in January 2016.  The wall forms part of the town’s flood defence and has put a number of properties at risk of flooding.   

It transpired that the residents themselves were legally responsible for the repairs, but these were prohibitively expensive, and other properties were at risk of flooding.  Mr Herbert helped to unlock the impasse, asking the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, to intervene. 

Mr Gove asked that flood defence work in Arundel, should be accelerated, and work is due to begin in the Autumn.  The overall scheme will cost £4.7 million, including resident and local council contributions of £750,000.   

Mr Herbert said: “It was good to see the progress of the Arundel Tidal Defence Scheme, and I know that the River Road residents are very grateful.  I would like to thank Michael Gove, the Environment Agency and its Area Director, James Humphrys, for bringing this scheme forward. 

“As an historic town situated on a tidal river, flood defences are very important to Arundel, and while the lion’s share of the cost is being met by the taxpayer, it is important to note that local residents have contributed significant sums to the cost of these improvements.” 



1.     Photograph – Left to right – Richard Bannister, Eddie Spence, Nick Herbert, Sonia Spence, James Humphrys (Area Director, Environment Agency), Vicky Bannister, and Derek Waller. 

2.     To learn more about the Arundel tidal defence scheme see

3.     To read about everything Nick has been doing on this issue see