MP visits Storrington Village Day

Arundel & South Downs MP Nick Herbert welcomed the return of the Storrington Village Day on Hormare Recreation Ground when he visited the event on Saturday (29 June).

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The Village Day attracted almost 2,000 visitors to its programme of traditional family fun and entertainment.  The annual event was last hosted in 2014 and it was thanks to the efforts of the community, led by the Storrington & Pulborough Rotary Club, the Village Day made a welcome return to the local calendar.    

Attractions included the popular SADCASE (Storrington and District Classic and Sportscar Enthusiasts) classic car display, the local Lions giant book sale and a funfair.  Volunteers ran the barbeque, and refreshment tents and cakes were provided by the Rotary Club wives.  The planned dog show was cancelled owing to the hot weather on RSPCA advice.   

The MP toured the 50 stalls and chatted to local people and volunteers before being invited to draw raffle tickets and present the prizes.  First prize was £150, with runner-up prizes of hampers and vouchers from the generous local businesses. 

Penny Barnes, past President of the Rotary Club and co-organiser, said: “After a number of years without a Village Day in Storrington, the Rotary Club of Storrington & Pulborough District under the guidance of Tony Vaughan, and sponsored by many local businesses, organised an amazing day on Saturday. 

“We had local acts on stage including Happy Days Big Band, local school children and CHANCE singers.  We were so grateful to Nick for joining us.” 

Village Day Chairman Tony Vaughan praised everyone who made the day special.  He said: “I was delighted to see so many people enjoying the Village Day.  Reviving this local community event has been a great success we are looking to continuing it next year. We rely on Rotary, our generous sponsors and all those who participated on the day and ensured its smooth running.  Proceeds from the event will benefit local children and local young people causes.” 

More than £1,100 was raised on the day. 

Mr Herbert said: “I am delighted to see the return of the Village Day which has received tremendous support from the community.  I enjoyed the afternoon and am grateful to the Storrington & Pulborough Rotary Club for inviting me.” 




1.     Photograph 1 – Nick Herbert drawing raffle tickets with (right) Penny Barnes, immediate past President of the Storrington & Pulborough Rotary Club and June Greenyer. 

2.    Principal Sponsor: Fowlers Estate Agent

Main Sponsors: Anderson Rowntree, Carters Domestic Appliances, Crossways Veterinary Group, Hydro Power UK, Impulse Leisure, Lightweight Hire, Little School Day Nurseries, Mayo Wynne Baxter Solicitors, Millwood Designer Homes, Rhino Rentals, Storrington & Sullington Parish Council, TESLA Engineering, Tesco, Esso Express, Thakeham Tiles, Travis Perkins, Waitrose. 

3.     To find out more about the Storrington & Pulborough District Rotary Club see