A message to the voters of Arundel & South Downs

I am very proud to have served Arundel & South Downs as your MP for nearly 15 years and it will be with mixed emotions that I watch the election on Thursday as an observer rather than a participant.

This will be pivotal election, and I’ve set out why I believe - as a liberal Conservative - it is so important to support the Party at this time. I hope that this time the nation elects a government with a majority to secure a full term and a mandate to get things done.

Of course the election also matters locally for all of us in Arundel and South Downs, and I know that whoever we elect as our MP can make a big personal difference to many of the issues on which I have long worked, including improving our transport infrastructure, protecting our Downland villages and supporting our local communities.

I am delighted to give Andrew Griffith my personal endorsement at this election and would strongly encourage local people to support him on Thursday.  He and his family live in the constituency, he knows the area and its issues, and I’ve seen already how passionate and committed he is.

Andrew has had an impressive business career and I believe he would bring a wealth of experience in articulating a case and delivering results, which is what being an effective MP is all about. He would be a strong representative for Arundel & South Downs.

I very much hope that Andrew is elected on Thursday, and I will give him my wholehearted and enthusiastic support.

Nick Herbert